Custom design

Basic Technical Pack

The basic pack applies to styles with up to 5 pattern pieces.  2 colour ways are included.

Our information checklist will be sent to you to supply our designers with the necessary information and a sketch or image to create your completed technical pack.


Extra Technical Pack

The basic pack applies to styles with up to 8 pattern pieces.  2 colour ways are included.

Our information checklist will be sent to you to supply our designers with the necessary information and a sketch or image to create your completed technical pack.


Design and Commerce

The basic pack applies to styles with up to 12 pattern pieces.  2 colour ways are included.

Our information checklist will be sent to you to supply our designers with the necessary information and a sketch or image to create your completed technical pack. 


Basic Range Plan

*The basic range plan includes up to 4 styles and 2 colourways. Alternate fabrics can be used in place of a colourway.

A complete range plan includes a range board and a page per design with each colourway. This is used as a presentation and planning tool.

*This price is based on supplied technical CAD drawings or with technical pack purchases.
*Without supplied CAD technical drawings, the complete price is $599.00



Range Plan Add-On Colour

Add an additional colour way or fabric to your range plan or technical pack. 


Range Plan Add-On Design

Add an additional style to your existing range plan.

Per each design CAD file including 2 colourways.
Files in PNG and JPG format.
