The psychology between how we dress and how we feel has been long studied and the research has benefitted marketing companies to ensure positive shopping association.

How we dress is the reflection of how we see ourselves, how we want to see ourselves, how we want others to see us.  This is also linked to our emotional state. If we feel positive about ourselves, our bodies, and our position in our social groups, then our minds are in a positive setting.  This same effect can be seen if we are in a negative frame of mind, self-conscience of our body, uncertainty of our position, feeling uneasy or uncomfortable, out of our element.  These contradictory emotions can be the scale for any human from one time to another, and we do our best to navigate these circumstances.  In either state of mind, it is important to remember that no one is thinking of you as much as you are thinking of yourself.  Each other person has their inner monologue and if they are successful at what they do, most likely too busy to bother with worrying about others and their thoughts about their thoughts. 

You are the only person who sees yourself in the way you want, for each of us, will be the narrator of our own story and own inner monologue.  You may look in the mirror and cast yourself as the super fit active challenger, the corporate powerhead with strong opinion, the artistic with unpredictable phrases or even the victim of the world around you, should you so choose.  The point is the power of your mind and being aware of the advertising strategies so you do not experience impulse purchase regrets.

  Ensuring that your decisions are your power and in that same scope you as a consumer have the power to drive the fashion industry.  Perhaps this is the undoing of the fashion industry that led to mass production and over-consumption.  If you have ever been from shop to shop searching for an idea of features in your head, only to be worn down by the thousands of products that are not what you wanted.  With the amount of stores, the amount of clothing in boutiques, goodwill and marketplace what you wanted is not there or not in your price range.  You leave disheartened and now a void sits for an item you never had to begin with.

Knowledge is power, when you have an understanding of why you are making the decision you make, you take the power in how you make the decisions.  Shopping is the outlet of action, but ultimately, it is not at fault for having so many promotions, offers and availability of stock.  The same can be said for betting, going to waterparks, passing a bakery, they offer the option, you decide.  It is no wonder decision fatigue sets in, while you may begin the day strong of resolve, as the hours go on, we are exposed to so much on our phones, on program ads, and walking down the street.  We get tired, with a lot to do, time-poor and exhausted, convenience and comfort are a welcome distraction.